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Article Review: Why Authoritarians Attack the Arts

There's a really well-written piece that was just published in the New York Times on April 6th, 2017; Why Authoritarians Attack the Arts. I'm going to put the full link here:

This piece weaves together a number of real-life examples, both past and present, to demonstrate the pattern that occurs when an authoritarian governing body, or culture, begins to edit the truth as a means of controlling its target population(s). If you get me in a corner one evening with a beverage, I might further provide you with some examples that I've seen during the course of my own creative career path.

We, as creative artists who strive to be aware, authentic, and successful in our careers, must not ignore the grave realities the author describes, their consequences, and their potential significance.

It is a reminder to me as to why this work we are doing, to unionize artists, to give a platform of solidarity and amplified, credible voice to those who create from their hearts & souls as well as their minds, becomes more vital each and every day.

We were formed from a dissatisfaction and an awareness of lack of support in our communities that was needed by our independent working artists- those creative folks who are most likely to be the ones expressing views and understandings that aren't necessarily supported by mainstream culture.

Because mainstream culture follows fashion, and it will follow whatever is most "proper" in terms of social accepatbility. That is the role of the mainstream- to maintain the status quo and priority of whoever happens to be most in the dominant culture.

The National Endowment for the Arts, and efforts like it, have been a way for America to demonstrate that it was willing to uphold our 1st Amendment rights of "Freedom of speech, of religious practice and of expression". But now- we are headed into a time in the history of the world where such demonstrations of our freedoms and rights may be withdrawn at any time. The mainstream, at the service of the dominant paradigm, will do no less but follow suit in enforcing the silence of those who do not agree.

This adds a whole new significance to idea, mission, values and goals of our efforts here at Artists' Union, and what we wish to represent. It is for these reasons- the need, not just for support, advocacy, acceptance and encouragement of independent creative vision and voices, but for a place of safety and unity against a potentially challenging sociopolitical environment- that we exist, and that we will continue to remain steadfast.

Do not ever let anyone take your true vision away from you. We are here, we are needed by the world, and we can make a difference- together.

I hope to see you all at one of our upcoming events for Artists' Union Local 503 in 2017!

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